The benefits of garlic are countless, so you find it in all kitchens around the world, learn with us the most important of these different benefits.
Health Benefits of Garlic
1 Lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure
Eating garlic on a regular basis may reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by equalizing the ratio between good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL), in addition to that, it has been found that eating garlic on a regular basis may contribute to lowering blood pressure and thus it prevents the occurrence of heart disease and stroke.
2 Reduction of blood clots
Blood clots may lead to clogging of arteries and thus stop blood flow to the body’s various tissues and organs, as the danger of these conditions is that they may lead to stroke or heart attack, but eating garlic can increase the production of nitric oxide in the blood vessels, which helps to expand them, and as a result garlic is characterized by dissolving blood clots.
3 Fight against infectious diseases
Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a protector and healer for many health problems, as garlic contains sulfur compounds, vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and other substances known for their ability to fight many types of germs, viruses, and even fungal infections.
With this it was introduced into the creation and manufacture of many ointments and drops intended for the external treatment of fungi and ear infections.
4 Treatment of colds
It was recently found that individuals who suffered from colds and ate less garlic were cured more quickly compared to individuals who suffered from colds and did not take garlic and its supplements.
5 Cancer Prevention
Garlic contains antioxidants and other properties that strengthen the body’s immune system, and even reduce the likelihood of colon cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer, as well as garlic supplements may prevent the development of cancer cells in people whose family member has previously suffered from breast cancer, prostate cancer, and throat cancer.
6 Fight against worms and parasites
One of the benefits of garlic is its ability to fight many types of parasites, especially intestinal parasites and worms.
7 Reducing diabetes symptoms
Garlic may improve many of the symptoms and complications associated with diabetes, such as: kidney problems, or the nervous system, and retinal problems, as well as eating garlic may reduce levels of sugar, cholesterol and fats in the blood, which helps diabetics significantly.
The benefits of garlic for hair

Garlic improves hair growth when used as a topical preparation, and also helps fight hair loss, and garlic contains many nutrients necessary for hair and general health, including:
Sulfur: It is involved in the construction of many proteins, including keratin, which makes up hair, and it is reported that it is useful for the skin, nails and nerves, and can be used as a treatment to fight psoriasis and eczema.
Selenium: Selenium in garlic works with vitamin E to improve hair health, it enhances the body’s ability to use this vitamin to destroy free radicals that damage the cell membrane.
B vitamins and vitamin C: Garlic is an important source of these important vitamins for hair health, as vitamin C prevents hair breakage, helps promote collagen production, and lack of vitamin B6 may lead to hair loss.
Minerals: Found in garlic help to get healthy hair, as elements such as calcium, copper, iron, and manganese have a role in building and growing hair and skin cells, and also work to protect hair from damage.
The benefits of garlic for sex
The distinctive spicy taste in the taste of garlic is what arouses sexual desire in men and women, garlic contains allicin, which is believed to increase blood flow in the sexual organs, and this advice does not work overnight, you clearly need to consume garlic for up to a whole month to reap its fruits.
If you can’t stand raw garlic, you can take it as capsules as a supplement found in local natural health food stores or pharmacies.
Garlic also enhances male fertility, as selenium increases testosterone levels, facilitates sperm production and thus enhances fertility.
The benefits of garlic for pregnant women
Improving blood circulation for pregnant women: In addition to lowering blood pressure and reducing their cholesterol levels, this is important for the safety of pregnancy for both the mother and the fetus and even after delivery.
Increasing the weight of children at birth: Garlic helps in increasing the weight of children at birth, especially those who were expected to be born with a low weight.
Reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia: Eating garlic during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia that causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine.
Treatment of vaginal infections: which includes yeast hypersensitivity syndrome and chronic candidiasis.
But as with any natural preparation or supplement, talk to your doctor before using garlic for therapeutic purposes during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.
Garlic damage
After identifying the most prominent benefits of garlic, it is necessary to address its harms, as garlic is generally safe when consumed in quantities used in foods, but it may cause some side effects, including:
Bad breath and body.
Stomach upset.
Increased risk of bleeding if certain anticoagulants such as warfarin are taken.
Interference with the effectiveness of certain drugs.
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