Turmeric is one of the most popular spices used around the world, it is prepared from the root of the turmeric plant and native to Southeast Asia, and it is a member of the ginger family or ginger whose scientific name is Curcuma longa.

For decades, turmeric root has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, alternative medicine and herbal remedies due to its multiple health benefits.

In addition to being used for health uses or when cooking as one of the world’s most prominent spices, turmeric is also used in the preparation of rich yellow tea known as golden tea.

Turmeric Health and Therapeutic Benefits

Benefits Of Turmeric
photo by onlymyhealth.com

Benefits of turmeric for teeth

The benefits of turmeric for the body do not reduce its benefits for teeth, as the benefits of turmeric for teeth include each of the following:

1 Teeth whitening, as turmeric helps to whiten teeth wonderfully, by mixing turmeric powder with coconut oil and used as a toothpaste daily.
2 Treatment of oral infections, as turmeric has antiviral and antibacterial properties, so turmeric helps treat oral infections.
3 Treatment of gingivitis, as turmeric contributes to the treatment of redness and inflammation of the gums.

The benefits of turmeric for the liver

Turmeric is known for its many benefits for liver health, which are as follows:

1 Turmeric removes cholesterol from the liver.
2 Turmeric cleanses the liver of toxins.
3 Turmeric reduces alcohol’s side effects on the liver by stimulating bile production and improving digestion.

Benefits of turmeric for slimming

The benefits of turmeric for slimming are as follows:

1 Detoxification of the liver, which enables the liver to carry out its tasks of burning fat, as curcumin plays an important role in burning fat.
2 Regulate sugar levels and prevent sudden insulin spikes, thus preventing excess fat storage in the body.
3 Improve digestion and stimulate metabolism, which is important for losing excess weight.
4 Reduce appetite and feeling full, as turmeric is an inhibitor of the hormone responsible for appetite, and thus helps to reduce food intake.

The benefits of turmeric for the skin

Benefits Of Turmeric
photo by femina.in

Turmeric is an essential element for the skin because it contains antioxidants, and here are the most important benefits of turmeric for the skin:

1 Reduces signs of aging.
2 Wound healing.
3 Treatment of psoriasis.
4 Get rid of acne scars.
5 Treatment of scabies by mixing it with neem oil.

Reduce arthritis symptoms

Due to its anti-inflammatory elements, turmeric drink may help reduce the most prominent symptoms of arthritis.

A 2017 study published in the Sciencedirect research site found that in the experiment on people with rheumatoid arthritis, 63% of non-vitamin supplements were used to manage their symptoms and reduce pain and difficulty moving, and turmeric was the most common product taken to effectively relieve those symptoms.

Cardiovascular protection

Moreover, several studies have shown that curcumin has beneficial properties for heart health by acting as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

A 2012 study published in PubMed found that consuming 4 grams of gold tea a day 3 days before and 5 days after coronary artery surgery reduced the risk of acute myocardial infarction or heart attack by 17%.

Treats Alzheimer’s disease

Studies have shown that turmeric may also help reduce the chances of developing many neurodegenerative degeneration cases associated with worsening health related to aging.

Turmeric roots’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power is thought to reduce cellular damage, inflammation, amyloid deposits or plaques that occur with these conditions, and cause mental decline and Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin may also be able to slow or block some age-related protein changes associated with neurodegeneration, according to WebMD .

Perfect drink before bed

Drinking a natural turmeric drink does not contain any caffeine or stimulants, so it is great to drink it late in the day without disrupting your sleep cycle or having insomnia and interrupted sleep, according to Greatist.

However, turmeric tea is often used with other types of green or black tea, both of which contain caffeine. So if you want to enjoy turmeric tea without the effect of caffeine, make sure to brew it without adding any other tea.

Nutritional value of turmeric

Turmeric contains many necessary nutrients and minerals, here is the nutritional value found in 100 grams of turmeric in the following:

Protein 9.7 g
Carbohydrates 67.1 g
Calcium168 mg
Iron55 mg
Magnesium208 mg
Phosphorus 299 mg
Potassium 2080 mg
Sodium 27 mg
Zinc 4.5 mg
Copper1.3 milligrams
Manganese 19.8 mg
Selenium6.2 mg
Vitamin C 0.7 mg
Vitamin K 13.4 mcg
Nutritional value of turmeric

Contraindications to the use of turmeric

Despite the multiple health benefits of turmeric, there are some cases during which the use of turmeric is contraindicated, which include:

1 Excessive consumption: Prolonged consumption of high doses of turmeric extract may cause stomach or liver confusion, as well as dehydration and constipation.
2 Gallbladder problems: The use of turmeric may be prohibited by people with gallstones, or any problems with them.

3 Pregnant women: Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor before using it, as it may have a stimulating effect on uterine contractions.
4 Blood thinners: Patients who take blood thinners, including aspirin, should consult a doctor before 5 taking turmeric, because it acts as an anticoagulant.
6 Undergoing surgery: These people are advised to stop consuming it two weeks before surgery.
7 Iron absorption: Turmeric should be taken with caution by people who are iron deficient because it limits the absorption of iron in the intestine.
8 Fertility: Turmeric reduces testosterone levels and thus reduces sperm motility, so turmeric should be taken with caution by males planning to conceive.

Read more  benefits of Ashwagandha  .

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